Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreement
Your Guide to Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
Marriage is a beautiful beginning of a new life together. But unfortunately, marriages don’t always end as happily as they begin. To protect themselves in the event of a divorce, many couples choose to enter into a legal agreement about what will happen with their shared assets should the marriage end. These agreements can be executed either before a marriage (prenuptial) or after a wedding (postnuptial). An arrangement of this nature is meant to protect both parties, as it clearly settles the couple’s affairs and assets ahead of time to help avoid a messy split, should it ever occur. The Law Offices of Steven J. Glaros is here to draft and execute both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements in Tampa Bay, FL. Please contact us today to learn more about this legal service.

What Are the Advantages of Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement?
You may be wondering whether a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is really necessary for you and your partner. After all, you plan to be together forever, so why would you need to make a plan for divorce? The truth is, life is very unpredictable. There’s no way to know what will happen in the future. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is merely a way to protect yourself and ensure a fair separation if you ever do get divorced. There’s no harm in planning for every possible situation. Should you and your partner stay together, you never have to resort to using the terms set out in the agreement.
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are a good idea for all of the following reasons:
- Reduces conflict during a divorce, allowing you each to go your separate ways peacefully.
- Prevents the need for extended court proceedings, which could be expensive.
- Assigns debt to the appropriate spouse, so each gets a fair distribution.
- Supports the plan for your estate, helping to avoid court involvement when distributing property.
- Documents the separate property of each spouse, so each person gets what is rightfully theirs in the event of a divorce.
- Details any special arrangements between you and your spouse.
Execute an Agreement Before or After Marriage
However, it’s never too late to make an agreement of this type with your spouse. You can also execute a postnuptial agreement after marriage. The arrangements work very similarly, spelling out the exact details of how you will split property and assets in the event of a divorce. Whether you want to draft a prenuptial agreement before the wedding or you and your partner have decided to prepare one after getting married, the team at the Law Offices of Steven J. Glaros and Associates is here for you. Contact us today to discuss your options.